About me

A lot has happened since I last updated this blog - I am currently setting up a new one which will be focusing more on the present and future - The Plant Based Pagan - Coming soon!


Blog writing is new to me. I feel like I have no idea where to begin. So, I guess a few 
facts about me is a good place to start! Here goes...

I absolutely love food - BUT I have tonnes of food intolerances! 
I have to avoid; wheat, gluten, dairy, rice, quinoa, amaranth (yes! I have to avoid two of the worlds' most healthiest staples!) fresh onions, raw apples, bananas, oranges, fresh lemons and various nuts... I'm sure I have missed out something! 
  For Nutrition reasons I have cut out refined cane sugars - but I am still going to post
my old favourite gluten and dairy free recipes because they're just so good! 
To be honest, it's easier naming what I CAN have. You will find out what this is in future recipes to come :-)I decided to call my blog Love life, health and food, because I want to write about all of those things, not just food. So I hope you will find my blog an interesting read :-)

I am fighting a chronic illness that I have had for 11+ years - known as M.E. If you want to know right this second about what M.E is, check out the websites below and
Be sure to check up on my future articles as I will be writing about M.E and how I cope with this condition naturally, at least once! I will also be debating with myself about whether I even have this condition.



On top of that I suffer with migraines, headaches, digestive issues and mild acne which used to be severe.
I also have a general sensitivity to domestic chemicals. Things like artificially scented candles, perfumes, cleaning products and laundry cleaners. I'm also sensitive to artificial food ingredients such as MSG (Mono sodium Glutamate) and artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucrolose... 
Basically, anything artificial.

I hope you enjoy reading about what beauty products I use, updates on my health and plans of action on healing.  I hope that I can inspire and excite you, by showing you new healthy meal and dessert ideas, with the occasional cheeky treat, a bit like this ...

Click here for a yummy cupcake recipe!

I'm very interested in having an eco friendly home - I love finding ways to reduce electricity usage as cheaply as possible, and I like to find eco friendly cleaning products that I don't react badly to and are easy to use.

Distractions from pain and the general shit that life chucks... 

Apart from food of course, there are so many things that I have found to distract myself from my living pains, and general crap that I have to deal with daily...
starting up a blog is one of them, but before I was brave enough to start writing and typing,
I have been working on making gift tags and gift card pouches to hopefully sell very soon. I am also going to sell a lot of them to help raise money for IiME towards biomedical research for M.E 

Life is HARD! But the aim is to at least be at peace, have fun, and make great memories whenever possible.
I have been in a relationship since 2009 - we have had ups and downs, but most ups :-) we have a very strong relationship that I'm hoping to write about some day.

There are so many beautiful things in this world. When I can, I love to be outdoors.The countryside is such a peaceful and welcoming place, I wish I could venture further into the country, but my health limits me to places that have at least a toilet and some benches nearby. a nice cafe is always a treat too.

I love finding little spots to hide away in, to rest and listen to everything living. less people around the better! There's something very spiritual about sitting quietly listening to nature.

I have the same new year goal every year - And that is, to make the new year different from the last, and hopefully better. Keeping things simple I find is always best.

I'm very against animal testing - I really don't see any need for it. With the knowledge we already have, we can bind ingredients safely - plus I'm sure people would volunteer to test new beauty products.

 love to write detailed reviews on products of any sort that I like - I do not get paid for this, it's just a hobby that keeps my mind off my daily symptoms from being unwell.

When I have the energy, I like to draw - My favourite things to draw are patterns and cartoon characters.

I drew this A1 sized when I was 16
All my old classmates used to insist that I traced my drawing, so to prove them wrong I taught myself to draw things to a much bigger scale so they couldn't accuse me of cheating!

I recently found my old deviant art login! I have some very old pieces of work on there from when I was 11 and 16. Funny how some things you thought were really good, aren't as good as you remember them to be! 
I drew this a couple of years ago

I don't draw very often anymore as I find it really tiring, but I take advantage of the moments when I have a creative spark to draw, write, or to make things, whatever my brain wants to do, I'll try my best to do it!

I have had an interest in playing the guitar for some years now, but M.E and migraines once again limits how much time I can spend learning to play. I have recently started to play my guitar again (2015) and I have missed it so much! Fingers crossed I can carry on playing to the point where I can learn some new techniques!

I have really started to enjoy writing my blog, I like to think that I am helping others as well as helping myself - Keeping myself busy so I'm not focusing on how much pain I'm in or how tired I feel. I can go to bed in the evening feeling like I have achieved something.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I love writing it.

I add most of my new creations to Instagram Just search for Angrysquidge - Or click on my Contact page
Happy reading, I look forward to reading and replying to your comments. If you like what I write, please don't forget to follow me :-) x 

P.s - Sorry for randomly changing to italics... Google blog editor won't allow me to change it, does anyone else have this annoying problem??


  1. Brilliant Tasha! Love this, "I will also be debating with myself about whether I even have this condition." I've been doing that for 22 years x

    1. Hi Jo - Thanks for the comment :-) I'm always debating if I have M.E, I'm hoping my brain fog clears so I can write about it very soon :-) xx

  2. Hi Tasha, this is a lovely blog and i look forward to reading more. All the best xx

    1. Hello Lana,

      Thank you for leaving such a lovely comment :) I hope you enjoy reading my other posts!

      Hope you are as well as possible today xxx
