You might like to read... 'Are you surrounded and covered in chemicals?' and/or Medication and Me first.
After cutting down on domestic Chemicals, I started to wonder what the seemingly innocent medication I was still taking, could be doing to me...
One half of my was surprised, yet the other half of me wasn't.
From my own experiences of being unwell, the first thing that doctors put me was paracetamol.
If it wasn't working, they just upped the dose! Guess what? It still didn't work...
After some years of relying on co codamol and other paracetamol related painkillers, I was talking to a friend to which she read about the dirty secrets of paracetamol.
Believe what you will, but from my personal experiences taking this drug, it all makes sense to me.
In the majority of medical trials, Paracetamol worked just as well as the placebo. (A placebo is basically a sugar pill. It does nothing.)
Pharmaceutical drugs only have to work better than the placebo in 2 trials. However, they can perform as many trials as they like.
I don't know about you, but to me, that hardly seems fair.
Everything I had watched and read about was slowly piecing together.
There are so many secrets that the Pharmaceutical drug industry keep from us, and try to cover up so many things. There are constant debates about what safe and what isn't.
Think about it- without illness and disease, Pharma' companies are not needed. How would they make money like they do, if civilisation was healthy?
In an emergency, you cannot fault western medicine. It's amazing what they can perfom and give to save lives. Modern day life wouldn't exist without it.
The problem lies with over-prescribing medications to people who do no necessarily need it.
Over prescribing painkillers, antidepressants, and antibiotics for minor problems just covers up the symptoms, it does not solve the problem itself.
Our trust to them can be like a gold mine to the pharma' industry.
What's more, is that over time, taking these drugs (for minor problems) will eventual cause side effects, which could mean that in time, you may have to take more prescribed drugs to treat those side effects, and those tablets will cause their own side affects... Before you know it, you could be taking a cocktail of different prescribed drugs just to treat side effects.
SO not only has your health declines and become addicted, dependant on prescriptions, The drug companies are rolling in your money.
I must stress that I am only complaining about prescribing medication where it is not needed.
If you have severe depression and all the natural approaches don't work, then antidepressants may be your answer to a happier life.
An example..
My dad recently had an issue of Sciatica - A trapped nerve in the lower back that affects the hip and leg. It's an extremely painful condition to the point where some people are completely debilitated. Sitting up, or moving slowly and gently is impossible without awful pain.
The doctor recommended bed rest.. (Something that a person who works 2 jobs can't do)
And was prescribed very strong painkillers, which worked for a while covering up the symptom.. but the trapped nerve just got worse, to the point where strong painkillers worked no more.
So instead of the doctor recommending an alternative treatment to help free up the trapped nerve, they prescribed more bed rest...
And antidepressants...
How can antidepressants help a trapped nerve I hear you ask? They can't - It's just a way of saying that they can't help the situation, but here's something to make you feel as though we are helping - Plus it's something that we can make money with...
The side affects of these antidepressants took him to lala land! 'High as kite' My sister said.
My dad couldn't remember how to spell his home address to which he has lived at for 15 years whilst he was on this medication. SO not only was he spaced out, he was still in pain and could barely walk.
Something had to be done.
I know from my own experience what it's like being on antidepressants for so called pain relief. So I was instantly concerned for my dad's health and wellbeing.
Chiropractic treatment has helped me on so many levels, and has also helped my own sciatica problems - So I instantly dug into my savings and paid out for 3 sessions at a local certified chiropractor.
My dad was a serious skeptic insistent that I wasted my money on this treatment for myself, but he was in so much pain, and so desperate, he would try anything - Plus he had to go, because I had already paid!
After his first adjustment there was immediate improvement! Halleluja!
We were so relieved. Luckily, he had only been on the anti d's for about a week, so he was able to stop taking them with no further problems
Never stop taking prescription medication without close medical supervision!
I never thought I would hear my skeptic dad talk about how good chiropractic treatment is, and how much it's helped him!
After some more adjustments, and regular stretches that he has been instructed to do, he is no free of sciatica.
He no longer sees the chiropractor unless he starts to feel symptoms return, to which he has only had to do once.
What would have happened if I hadn't had known about chiropractic treatment?
He'd still be in pain, addicted to goodness knows how many prescription drugs, probably jobless, housebound, disabled with pain...
Now isn't that ironically depressing to think about?...
My partner and I both have M.E (we met through a m.e charity)
Instead of being offered tests that we have never had before,
We are constantly being bombarded with the antidepressant talk. Because it's cheaper, and more profitable.
No thanks. These medications can be addictive, negatively life changing for people that don't suffer with depression, and dangerous.
Did you know that with some antidepressants, one side affect is suicide?
how can an antidepressant be an anti d' if it can make you SUICIDAL?!!!
But one thing that it does make, is money. lots of money.
Do your research - explore NATURAL ALTERNATIVES first
Try to treat your body as naturally as possible -
Chiropractic Care
Cardio endurance training
Natural, good quality supplements if need be
De clutter your life from negative things, including people that constantly bring you down
Bring Feng shui into your home
Happy therapy - a list of hobbies
Listen to yourself!
Make time for yourself
What do YOU need?
I truly believe - That with every natural disease, there is a natural cure.
Because life is about balance.
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