Monday, 29 December 2014

Conquering The New Year Resoloution Fail Habit

First off, I hope you had a very happy Christmas! I hope you all got some lovely presents and had a great time with friends and family :-)

Now it's that time of year when motivation for a better life style seems to come upon us...
But how many of us actually stick to it?

The answer is, sadly not many of us!

And I'm pretty sure why...
As I have witnessed over this attitude for a few years now, including myself - it never occurred to me till now, that most of us seem to get caught up in a pretty vicious cycle.
It usually comes down to one word. One word that we all hate, and shudder when we think about it. You have probably guessed it - That word, Is DIET!

To put things straight, from what I have learned, is that the word and actions of 'diets' are negative, useless, border line evil and most of all, usually one big CON!

We seem to kid ourselves every year - 'New year, New me!'
Sounds great! But we always seem to start off on the wrong foot. And that's by starting a diet.

"This new year I'm going to go on a diet and lose some weight"

(goes and eats equivalent weight in food)....

I wonder why he/she has done that!
Diets as we all know, forbid certain foods - be it carbs, fat, sugar, or all 3! at least one thing will be off the menu.
So what happens when we forbid, or plan to forbid food?
We want it more than ever! It's a very simple form of reverse psychology.

You will always want what you can't have - That doughnut will smell a hundred times nicer, and those chips will be smelt over a mile away... IF you forbid them from entering your mouth...

I can't stand how 'diet' businesses suck us in! There's a key word here... Which is business.
A business aim is to make money, profit, and returning customers. A customer that visits and never returns after service is bad, so - A diet business that encourages you to pay on a regular basis is never going to have long lasting results, unless you keep paying for that product!

Do yourself a favour this year - Don't join a diet club, unless it's FREE!

Why not try something different?
Break the new year habit, and actually positively change something in your life. Change something that you know will stay changed forever, for the better.

So what could you do that's different from the usual diet resolution?

It's easier that you think!

Make simple, achievable pledges - like;

Cut down, or cut out meat -
This could be something really simple, like putting an end to processed meats like ham and pepperoni slices, or swapping sausages for a vegetarian alternative.

Swap indulgent snacks for healthier ones - I'm not going to suggest swapping a chocolate bar for a piece of fruit! Because when someone suggests that to me, I secretly get really annoyed! It's just not the same!!
If you like fruit, aim to eat more of it, but if you're not a fruit fan, there's lots of healthy snack alternatives.
If you like cakes and biscuits, why not try Nakd Bars. They are a great sweet alternative - My favourites flavours are the Gingerbread, Strawberry Crunch and Bakewell Tart. At less than 200 calories a bar, they're much better than that slice of cake, and what's better is that they are calories that your body can use, as the bars are made mainly from dates and nuts - Don't judge until you have tried them!
  If you really want to treat yourself, Graze are a really healthy snack company. You can choose from hundreds of snacks, they even have special diet filters to make choosing that little bit easier. You get 4 snacks in the post, just make sure you only have one snack in a day to insure optimum snack control!

Cut down on the fizzy junk!
Shop bought fizzy drinks are seriously unhealthy! Sugary or not - They are full of chemicals that our bodies can't use (therefore dehydrating us) Fizzy drinks are known to give us mood swings, food cravings, headaches... The list could go on. So do yourself a favour and cut out the conventional fizz.
Why not try making your own, Healthy fizzy drink? It's easy!
Just buy (or make) some fizzy water and add your favourite fruit juice (not from concentrate) If you want to make it taste a bit sweeter, just add a little xylitol to sweeten things up a bit.
Should you really want that one glass of regular fizzy pop, then have it! if you forbid yourself, you are just more likely to binge on it later.

Remember that we are not forbidding ourselves from anything, you are choosing to have healthier options because we want to lead better, healthier lives.

Swap some of your sugar intake with Xylitol
Xylitol is a Natural, Safe Sweetener that's great for dental health, and helps keep your bones strong!
It's a lot sweeter than sugar, so you will need to use less, for instance if you have 2 sugars in your tea, you will only need one teaspoon of Xylitol. This is a very simple change that could give very good results! And it much cheaper than a diet club membership.
Just remember that too much xylitol (just like other sweeteners) can give a laxative effect, so if you have lots of cups of tea and/or coffee a day, I would suggest you try to cut down on those drinks too.

Less Caffeine...
This is always a sensitive subject for people, as we just love our caffeine. But there's a glimmer of hope for you!
1-3 cups of coffee a day is actually good for you! But if you are having more than 3 cups a day, then I'm afraid that's not so good. Caffeine dehydrates the body, and as we all know is addictive. Try cutting down to 2 cups a day (one in the morning, one late afternoon before 5pm, or save the second or third cup for those evening shifts) Cut down one cup at a time. Once you are used to having one less cup a day, cut the next one out and so on, until you are at 2-3 cups maximum a day.
If you suffer from IBS, it might be wise to only have one cup a day after a meal, or no cups at all, as coffee can aggravate the digestive system.

Have more plant based meals
Meat free meals are quick to make, easier to digest, and are often much cheaper! Grab some vegetarian magazines to get familiar, and give it a go!
I have some easy plant based recipes here on my blog

Eat Organic Where You Can Another very simple life change. It costs a little more, but I find that if I pay a little extra for my food, I'm less likely to waste it. Organic salad ingredients is a great place to start, simply because it tastes nicer!

Why not try ordering a salad box from Riverford or Abel and Cole? Or a local organic farm?

Walk More

Now this could sound like a really drab tip... but with a little motivation on nicer weather days, you could really benefit from this simple life change. Just 5-10 minutes of direct sunlight gives you your RDA of Vitamin D in any temperature, plus, walking being a form of exercise, will boost your mood, and of course, burn some calories.
You could try walking to the next bus stop, park your car further away from your destination, or make a pledge to go for a walk round the block - Or, take a vow to go for a country walk at least once a week, either by yourself for some self reflection time, or with a friend to make it more pleasant if you like company.

Happy Therapy!
It's good for everything, and I will recommend it for everything! Plan something different to do each week. Not only is this a great motivation, it helps by keeping your brain active, and is an opportunity to make some great memories too :-)
Here's some activities you could do that are cheap or practically free!
Country walk destinations
Batch cooking healthy meals
Making homemade pizza with friends/family
volunteering somewhere for a day
Explore a town or village that you've never been to before
Movie nights with loved ones
Alcohol free cocktail and pamper parties at home
Pen pals
Yoga Class
In fact, any form of fun or relaxing exercise class!
Gardening (burns body fat and you could grow your own salad!)
Blogging, of course,
Buying books from a charity shop and re-donating it when you're finished.

There are SO many ways you could change your life for the better. You don't need to change much in one go either. A small change each year could build to a whole new life style in just a few years! You will be healthier, and probably happier, if you just change one thing at a time.

Don't punish yourself anymore with diets. Change the things in life that will benefit YOU! If you know that a piece of junk food will send you off on a mood swing, take a big step and change that habit in a way that will make you feel better.

Only set yourself achievable goals (that includes goals where you may need to push yourself just a little)
Never overload yourself with pressure. Life is meant to be healthy and happy, not one or the other.

Do what feels right for YOU

Once you have cut the junk, and the fad diets, you will start to realise the better things in life. What those better things are, are for you to find out on your journey.

I hope you all have a happy, healthy, and fun new year, and that this post has filled you with confidence that you have the power to change your life for the better, without having to spend tonnes of money on diet clubs.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Vegan Chilli non Carne

I have been meaning to post up some recipes, but because I often don't write recipes down, this task is often tricky.

Tonight (with lots of help) I have made a Mexican inspired dish. I would have called it a 'chilli con carne' But - There's no meat, onions, or chilli in fact, in this meal, so I decided to call it the mild mexican, because it should suit at least some sensitive tummies, like me. 

Follow my Instagram! @AngrySquidge

Makes about 8 meals - Freezable up to one month 

The staple ingredients for this recipe are:

1-2 tablespoons Odourless Coconut oil (it's cheaper than regular coconut oil)
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
1 tin ready cooked red kidney beans
1 cup of dried brown lentils
3 large cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon cocoa powder (you could use half a tablespoon of carob powder instead or one square of very dark chocolate)
2 teaspoons smoked/unsmoked paprika
1-2 teaspoons cumin
half a teaspoon coriander
half a teaspoon turmeric - as it's anti inflammatory
1 teaspoon mild chilli powder (optional)
1 tablespoon of gluten free vegan bouillon or one gfv stock cube  (leave this out if you are super sensitive to onions)
1 bay leaf
black pepper - more the merrier as it is anti inflammatory
1 green bell pepper

The veg to bulk it out - I used in tonight's recipe:
1 onion

1 medium Aubergine (you could use a punnet of mushrooms instead)
1 yellow bell pepper (as well as the green pepper)

I'm running low on veg today so just used what I had in the fridge.

You could add in a fresh onion if you're not sensitive to them.


Pre boil the brown lentils (takes about half an hour till the lentils are soft)
Chop/process your veg to the size you like them (I like them chunky) Then fry them in a large pot the coconut oil till they have reduced in size.
Add all of the staple ingredients to the large pot, stir, bring to the boil, turn the heat down to a very low heat and leave to simmer for up to an hour ( I often forget about it! So if you're like me, put a timer on so you don't forget) 

Don't forget to use organic produce where possible!

Happy eating!

 - I would love to hear from you if you have used this recipe, even if it's just for inspiration :-)

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Living With a Chronic Health Condition

It isn't easy! And it isn't cheap!

So here's some tips that I find helpful for everyday living, with my chronic illness.

I'm thinking about writing a book of tips for living with long term health conditions, so I'm using this post as a taster I guess... I hope you find these tips helpful, let me know what you think.

The tips I give are not medical advice. If you are not sure about anything consult your medical professional.

Here we go...

The benefits and work guide
It's about £12 a year, but the help and advice can be priceless...

An electric toothbrush -
No need to scrub your teeth with all your might wasting precious energy! An electric toothbrush takes less energy to use, with better cleaning results. (Don't forget to use those floss sticks!)

Pantyliners -
Sounds silly, but on some days, they are a life saver!
You can get 3 boxes of 50 for less than £2 from Superdrug when they are on special offer (they don't seem to have the pack of 50 online, so get someone to buy them for you, otherwise you can buy 30 for 99p a box which still isn't a bad price.) If you want to be as organic as possible, you could try Naturacare Pantyliners, Organyic, - or Washable Pantyliners which could work out cheaper in the long run, they're very comfy, and come in lots of different pretty patterns too!
I find Pantyliners so useful, especially for those days when changing clothes is too difficult, changing a pantyliner keeps me feeling cleaner, making those horrid days feel a little less yucky.

Infrared Heat pad -
Do some research/consult your doctor before going ahead and buying one for yourself to make sure it's suitable. I have found that my infrared heat pad was money well worth spent! I use it everyday (even on hot days!) it has multiple heat settings, and really helps my deep chronic pains and stiff muscles/joints. It's a life saver for menstrual pains as well. It also has a built in timer which I find really useful.  I bought my heat pad straight from Firzone to be sure I got a legitimate product.

Muscle rubs -
If your tummy is too sensitive for painkillers (or find that they just don't work) Natural muscle rubs do exist! So there's no need to feed toxins to your body for some light relief
(don't use muscle rub and heat pads together as it's not a pleasant experience!)
you can buy hot or cold muscle products, I love Natural Hero as it's very good value for what it is.
If you want to go super natural, you could try this product from HandMadeNaturals or Gwdihw 25g if you want to try something natural but a bit cheaper - You can also buy Gwdihw 75g

All of these muscle rubs are made in the UK!

Ice Packs -
Another method that can help ease hot swollen joints, heat surges and general muscle aches.

Water and hydration -
It's the simplest tip, but easily forgotten.
Water is best absorbed when something has been infused in it. Make your water super healthy by infusing lemon, or something that's easier on the stomach like cucumber, or aloe vera,  or grapes and apples. It also gives a lovely taste to the water without the need for toxic juices that contain lots of sugars and sweeteners. Add whatever fruit/veg you like!

Deep breathing for 10 minutes, 3 times a day -
It's relaxing, easy, and free!
breathe in, feeling your tummy raise (not your chest) Lower deep breathing is more relaxing and energising and helps the body regenerate quicker. Breathing chest first is very tiring and can leave you 'air hungry' so doing this exercise 3 times a day could help you feel a little better (little is better than nothing right?!)

Silent Time -
Sometimes we can get wrapped up with lots of noise - Be it tv, music, people talking (even it's quiet) Reading, thinking too much (I class that as noise too)
It's good to get at least ten minutes of silent space, preferably outside each day.
If you can't get outside, opening a window could be the next best thing.

Face Masks
Using a face mask is a great excuse to get some Silent Time! It's also something good to focus on and makes time feel more productive if you like to feel as though you're doing something.
Boy's - This includes you too!
You may think that face masks are a girly thing, but they are very relaxing, and if you find the right face mask, your skin will benefit too! Detoxing can cause spots and blemishes - Face masks also aid the skin when your body is detoxing, helping to get rid of the spots so that the skin can heal quicker and easier. I love the face mask powders from HandMadeNaturals - And I can't wait to try these face masks from Akamuti - Especially the Chocolate and Marshmallow Mask!

Rescue Remedy -
A brilliant little remedy that can help anxiety and stress levels for those days when these emotions become too dominant. Using this along side the other stress management methods is always a good idea!

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is often shunted at, probably because some people have claimed that it's 'cured them'
Well fear not - I'm not claiming that. However it's a really good tool to have as it will help keep the mind demons at bay that can occur when dealing with a long term health condition.

Isolation, depression, anxiety... countless mental health problems can sink in when one has been unwell for a very long time. This is actually pretty normal, but it doesn't mean that you have to accept it, as it will just make your quality of life worse if you don't fight it. And CBT can help you fight these horrid symptoms that can occur with chronic health conditions.

It will not improve your energy, it will not get rid of pain - But, it will help you cope with them better, and it will give you professional support through the tough things that chronic health can throw at you.

Limit your screen time -
It can be hard to do, especially when one's housebound, but it's worth it!
I don't watch much tv anymore, and I try really hard to limit my screen time on my phone and computer, because I have noticed how much energy it takes!
Why not try and split your screen time into half an hour intervals, resting for at least 10 minutes before you head back to the screens. On bad days make the breaks longer, as screen time can really drain energy without you realising.

Record the programmes you want to watch so you can spread them out throughout the weeks - I find my tv recorder a really good pacing tool because I love tv but if I watch it for more than an hour I feel rubbish! So it's great that I can watch things at my own pace, pause, or turn off when I like.

Coloured acetate for computer screens.
It's a really cheap and easy way to help light sensitivity and to reduce blue light exposure, and possibly help with insomnia.
I have personally found that with an orange sheet of acetate over my computer screen, my eyes don't 'burn out' so quickly. I bought some different warm shaded colours from Arty Folk and favoured orange. (don't buy any blue pigmented colours like purples and greens - stick to yellows, oranges, browns and reds)

Blue light reduction apps
Blue light isn't healthy at night as it tricks the brain into thinking it's morning. So reducing blue light exposure at night could actually help if you struggle to sleep or relax. It's no cure, but something is better than nothing.

If you don't fancy having a coloured sheet over your screen, try one of the free apps or programs that are available like F.lux  it's free to download and can easily be turned off if you need to do anything creative like photo editing.

Nature -
Listening to nature can be naturally calming. birdsong, rain, the sound of the sea...
It's the only form of noise that I consider to be therapeutic. So if you're struggling to shut your mind of for some quiet time, invest in a nature cd and listen to it at least once a day.

Happy outings -
You want to spend your time wisely. So days when you're not visiting the doctor, and have rested enough, going out needs to be therapeutic.

Going to parks, cafes, restaurants, the beach is a great way to get some lovely fresh air and that much needed vitamin D from the sun. Or going to shops like The Range, The works, or other hobby shops can be really fulfilling and fun to go to.

What's better is that most of these places are wheelchair friendly!

Air out your home daily.
It's a brilliant routine to have - Opening the windows each day (preferably in the morning) to bring in lovely fresh air whilst ushering out the bad, stagnant stuff. I always feel much more uplifted and positive after airing out my home for a good 20 minutes.
  Fresh air is always good, even when it's cold! Blow out those cobwebs!

Fans -
Keep the air circulation in your home with a couple of electric fans whilst windows are closed.

Himalayan salt lamps -

A stagnant house is an unhappy house, so it's really important to keep the place you spend the most time in naturally fresh and positive.

Lip Balms - Link
Sounds simple, but it can make each day a little different. I have an array of different flavoured natural lip balms which I use each day, it's a nice gentle way to stimulate the senses in a gentle way whilst making your lips nice and soft too. Be sure to get natural lip balm and not petroleum jelly based balms.

Keep one room tidy -
If you struggle to to tidy up - Don't stress about it. No one likes living in a mess, so I decided that if I can keep just one room tidy, I can go to that room if I need to escape from reality.
The room I keep tidy is usually the spare room, as it never gets used! If I need to relax, but my bedroom is a mess, it's the place I go to.
When I have got a little bit of energy to tidy, I simply tidy in 5 minute bursts a day so I don't overexert myself.

Kitchen Gadgets -
Gadgets like a NutriBullet or Breville Family Blender; A Food ProcessorSlow Cooker, and Dishwasher (I have a full size dishwasher)
Have all been the most helpful gadgets I and my family have invested in over the years. (not forgetting the microwave)

Make a breakfast or lunch smoothie in less than 5 minutes with the smoothie gadgets mentioned above, or make your own nut mylk - they're super easy to clean too!

Cut down food preperation time with a food processor and just place the used components in the dishwasher after use! With a food processor you can also make super healthy treats and snacks like nut truffles, raw cheesecake, and raw protein bars. ( I have the kenwood as it was the best cheap one I could find, but if you are noise sensitive, I suggest using ear plugs, or buying a MagiMix food processor as it's a much better quality machine with a very low noise level when it's in use, just be prepared for it's ridiculous price tag!)

Throw ingredients and water into a slow cooker before bed or in the morning, turn on, and leave to cook all day, it's the easiest way to have a healthy dinner freshly cooked. You could makes ready meals by freezing any leftovers too.

Shopping online
As fun as it can be to sometimes go out, shopping for daily essentials and food can really be a waste of energy!
Buy your food online, so you can spend your energy on better things, like visiting your local park, favourite cafe for lunch, or a tearoom, for tea and cake of course...

I love ordering my veg from Riverford, or Able and Cole. Knowing that my veg is organic, fresh AND local, it's a win all round. Yes, it does cost more, but I cut back on other things where I can. 
On weeks when I can't afford these lovely veg boxes, I buy organic veg from the supermarket online.

So I get my veggies mainly from Riverford, cupboard food from the major supermarkets depending on what vouchers I have, supplements mainly from Bodykind (Sometimes I take a special outing to Holland and Barrett as it's next to a coffee shop so I can sit down after) Beauty products from Naturisimo, Lucy Rose (free delivery over £15), HandMadeNaturals (not free delivery but the products are amazing) And have recently found another shop, Love Lula.

Apart from the supermarkets... most of the web shops mentioned above offer Free Delivery in the UK
What's great about shops that offer free delivery on any purchase is the fact that I don't have to buy everything at once, so I'm not spending lots of money in one go just to get free postage.

Get someone to batch cook for you.
It could be a healthier alternative if someone makes homemade ready meals for you from scratch. Just be sure to freeze homemade food within 24 hours of making them, to use fresh frozen meals within one month of freezing and always make sure food is piping hot throughout before eating.

Perfume Free Home...
Unless you use essential oils and natural products to scent your home, regular air fresheners and scented candles contain lots of toxic chemicals, and from personal experience, can worsen your symptoms.

I realised this a few years ago, when I noticed that my fatigue and headaches would get much worse every time I visited my parents house, then when I left, my health improved again. When I asked my mum to  store away her scented products and to air her home out a week before I arrived, I found that every time we did the test, my symptoms did not worsen as they usually did. I always notice my symptoms worsen when I visit a home that uses artificially scented products the minute I walk through the door.

Get rid of those scented candles, air fresheners, scented plug ins, diffusers, and carpet fresheners - Natural alternatives are available!

Essential Oils
There are so many essential oils, there is bound to be one for you!
Because it's difficult and stressful living with a chronic health condition, the ones I find most helpful are calming and energizing.
Litsea: Although energizing, it's also good for calming anxiety, aiding good quality sleep, and helps digestion.
Lavender: Good for headaches and stress.
Chamomile Roman: Goes well with Lavender and it also calming.
Grapefruit: Smells like cheesecake and is very uplifting!

Add essential oils to unscented massage oils or products; Use them as a foot or bath soak - just be careful as oils are slippery.

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My Favourite Cold Remedies

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Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The Village Whole Food Store Enfield

When I visit my family I always struggle to find food I can eat. Without little independent shops like this, I'd be stuck with gluten free fish fingers and chips, or tuna with rice pasta and salads... Sounds all lovely, but it really does get boring!

I have been visiting this shop whilst staying with my family for a few years now, so thought it was about time I wrote a little about it.

This shop at Forty Hill, Enfield, has been open for some years, but has grown into something rather special.

Visit their website here
It's a lovely drive through some country roads which passes some lovely parks. You could easily pop in before your park stroll for some cheeky treats, (I always get a mini box of vegan chocolate truffles..) Or you could call by after your walk and try a wonderful vegetarian meal for lunch or dinner from their freezer section (I would personally recommend the gluten free vegan pies...)

The customer service is outstanding. Almost everything you could possibly need is in this shop, from health supplements, gluten free, vegan foods, to household products. Should you want something they haven't stocked, they will do their best to order in what you ask for as efficiently as possible. 
  It's busy on the weekend, but if you have time to call by during the week, you're bound to have a lovely conversation with the assistants and shop owner. 

What's more - is that they even sell homemade gluten free vegan cakes!! Seriously scrummy...

The shop offers some nutritional advice, and if you need that extra bit of help, you can book an appointment with their on site qualified nutritionist. 

If you're not sure whether you want to see a nutritionist, but want to be healthier, why not subscribe to their newsletter? It's totally free and gives out brilliant advice.

It's shops like this that make life a little more colourful and interesting. I bet you, more memorable too! We waste so much time in conventional superstores and what's worse is that we don't enjoy our time there. So why not treat yourself and explore some different places, go for a stroll round a lovely park for some well deserved fresh air, then pop into an independant shop like this one for something you have possibly never tried, and bound to love!

Friday, 24 October 2014

A Beginner's Food Guide to Being Gluten and Milk Free

Part one, because there are soooo many foods that do actually exist, I will most probably be making more posts like this one.

We will start off with food products you can use in fresh cooking - All really easy to get hold of.

Creamed coconut blocks are great for making homemade mild curries

Garlic ranks as one of the most potent remedies due to its properties and health benefits.

Chickpeas: A 175g serving contains about 2.8mg of zinc. They also contain folate and are high in protein and dietary fibre.
Chickpea Curry anyone?...

Cinnamon is a great source of manganese, fibre, iron, and calcium. It can also help fight Candida, among a long list of other health problems. Try adding some into your pancake mix, or try making gluten free cinnamon oat biscuits. Half a teaspoon a day can add great health benefits.

Cider Vinegar is great to put on jacket potatoes and chips, or to use as an ingredient to salad dressing.
Its a great way to get your stomach producing stomach acid too, so if you are feeling heavy in the stomach, bloated, or both, have one or two tea spoons in a glass of water before eating, you should feel the benefits - it's worth the not so nice taste!

Doves Farm Gluten free pasta is in my opinion the best alternative, you just need to practice cooking it. Stay away from the corn pasta as it's much higher gi.
Heinz have recently brought out a gluten free pasta which is very good.
If you're intolerant to rice, Buckwheat pasta is a great alternative.


Doves farm gluten free flours are the best flours to use in gluten free baking. Self raising is the best cake and cookie maker and plain being best for pancakes and white sauces.
All gluten free flours require more beating and kneading unlike normal flour. Mix your cakes, or whatever you're making for longer than you normally would, you will get better results!

If you're intolerant to rice flour like me, I like to use buckwheat, chestnut and tapioca flour

You will always need baking powder when making cakes when using the gluten free self raising flour, stops it from sinking whilst in the oven. Adding too much will make the mixture bitter.
Now you won't really need xanthan gum (unless you're gluten free vegan/egg free) but thought you might like to know of it if you want to experiment with baking. it acts like gluten, but you shouldn't get a reaction from it. It's good for making breads, cakes, and adds a crunchier texture to pastry and biscuits. If you add too much it will give a very bitter taste.


Same stuff, different company. Both 250ml - the one on the left is usually cheaper.
Agave nectar/syrup is a low gi sugar, very nice to taste, without having the sugar spike. It will make cakes heavier as it does not solidify at room or cold temperatures. Great for making ice cream with, and having on toast, or on porridge, pancakes... The possibilities are endless!

I also love Maple syrup and Coconut sugar.


You can buy these pizza bases from the co-op. They are the best pizza bases I have tried from supermarkets. Although they still bloat me out, I will allow it for a treat, cos I love pizza!

For a gluten free vegan pizza base I would really recommend the Venice-Bakery products - Seriously tasty!


Quinoa is sold almost anywhere these days  It's a great source of protein and also contains calcium.
Try to purchase Quinoa that's grown in the UK (Essex Quinoa)

Millet is a great alternative to couscous and rice. It's also high in Magnesium which can help aches and pains.

Perfect alternatives for Sunday roasts. Make sure the bouillon is gluten, dairy and yeast free.

These milk alternatives are brilliant if you don't like rice or soya.
They contain essential calcium and vitamin D - It's very important you have at least half a pint of this milk a day; the average body requires about 800mg a day. So drinking this, along with calcium rich foods such as broccoli, dried fruit, nuts and organic freshly squeezed orange juice, you should have no need to take supplements.

These chocolate flapjacks are a super sweet treat for when you can't manage to bake. From Tesco
These flapjacks are also seriously nice and chocolaty, but be aware they are still high in sugar. Available at Tesco

Prunes are not to everyone's taste, but if you are constipated, they are natures laxative. They are also high in calcium and phosphorous, essential for healthy bones.
They are used alot in Moroccan cooking, as most dried fruits are.
Okay, not everyone likes dried fruit, but they contain a lot of nutrients.

Dried apricots contain iron and calcium, vitamin A and E, and a good source of fibre, as all dried fruits are. All dried fruits are high in natural sugars, so only small amounts at a time to be consumed.
Dried pitted dates do not look nice, but I can assure you, they are, they are very sweet, just one will satisfy my own sugar craving, give them a go! They are packed with loads of vitamins, minerals and fibre too.

Cashews are amazing!
They are creamy, sweet tasting, nutritional and filling. They can be used in cooking in so many ways you will be surprised what you can do with them. Best consumed Raw so that you can benefit from the enzymes and antioxidants these little super foods

Pumpkin seeds are slightly bitter to taste, but agave nectar sorts that out straight away.
they are a good source for lots of vitamins minerals, and has been known to help give better quality sleep. contains vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium zinc, etc.
sunflower seeds go very well with pumpkin seeds, another good source of fibre, vitamin E, B vitamins (etc) and minerals (almost the same as pumpkin seeds)

Sesame seeds are brilliant to sprinkle over vegetables, they are a good source of most minerals our bodies require, taste good too.

Sweet potato is a scrumptious food, bake it, mash it, and turn it into chips, just like white potato. Not only is it sweeter and creamier than white potato, it's also lower gi nad a great source of vitamin A if you can’t eat meat. contains more fibre. An all round good food.

Most Tamari is gluten free so is a great soy sauce alternative


This brand of gluten free noodles is very recommended can be found at goodness direct and realfoods

Yes, you can have mayonnaise! just be careful with which ones you buy, some contain lactic acid, which is derived from dairy, Hellmann's full fat mayo is safe and easy to get hold of.

Breakfast cereals.
I'm not keen on cereals, as they are usually high in sugar - But if you really need it, then I would recommend Nature's Path cereals - Just be sure to check the label!

These 3 have no added sugar, great for adding your own coconut sugar and fruits.


Doves Farm Fibre flakes. I can only seem to find them in Sainsbury's and are by far the best bran flake alternative. I mix mine with gluten free oats, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, almond milk and agave nectar to make a yum breakfast or snack. Great with soya yogurt or sprinkled on to fruit smoothies too. Note: this is rough fibre and may make you constipated, which is why I recommend having some oats mixed in to keep the fibre intake at a balance.
Recommended recipe books available online


Recipes I have tried and loved from the recommended books.Vegetable crumble - So what do you eat?
Cashew nut loaf - So what do you eat?
Chilli non carne - So what do you eat?
Everything I have tried from cake angels has been amazing!
Flat bread - intolerant gourmet
basic biscuits - intolerant gourmet
sausage and bean stew - intolerant gourmet

I have recently acquired another book called Ms. Cupcake, The Naughtiest Cupcakes in Town. Its a great little book as most recipes can be converted to gluten free.

I haven't had a bad meal from any one of these books, they are really worth buying!


These are the only nut cutlets by create a good life that are wheat/gluten/dairy free free.

Linda Mc cartney Red onion and rosemary sausages contain no gluten or dairy and they taste amazing!

These flavours of innocent pot ready meals are all gluten and dairy free, all the other flavours contain wheat and dairy, so stick to these flavours. Worth paying for!

Reduced fat houmous can be easier to digest, but if you can handle high fat content foods then there's nothing wrong having the full fat version instead.

Rice cakes are a good easy snack if they don't bloat you out, Also yeast free.
Kallo use wholegrain rice, so if possible buy this one so you grab the minerals that go with it!


Whole earth peanut butter is the best out there, they don't add sugar, or any nasty oils, just pure peanuts with a bit of salt, if you want sweetness, add abit of Agave to it, or boil up some strawberries to go with it. Of course, everyone knows that peanut butter and banana is a match made in heaven...
If you must have some jam to go with your peanut butter, I recommend this one, as it has the lowest sugar content per 100g that I can find, If you find a lower one however (that is sweetener free) then please let me know!

Sainsbury's Soups
Okay, Sainsbury's win hands down for super soups! So, if you are in a hurry, or don't feel like cooking, these are the best soups that are milk and gluten free. If you want the best variety in easy soup, then Sainsbury's is the place to go.


Now I didn't want to list these as I'm trying to keep you all healthy, but we need a treat sometimes, so by high demand I have a list of sweeties that you can enjoy that is gluten and dairy free (also vegan).

All plain chocolate that has no milk or (milk related) in the ingredients will have a warning on the back saying may contain milk traces; this is nothing to worry about most of the time. 
These chocolates will be great to cook with, and if you keep trying it, you will probably get a taste for it on its own too.

Avoid chocolate that states 'Not suitable for milk allergy sufferers'

Why not try the Tesco Dark chocolate sweetened with Stevia as it is much lower is sugar and tastes great!

Ice Cream

I have recently tried the Almond dream frozen dessert and they taste sooo good! The salted caramel apparently tastes like real ice cream! no wonder we finished the tub! you can find it in most waitrose supermarkets.

I also Love Booja Booja (available in Holland and Barrett)
It's quite pricey, but so worth it!

Monday, 20 October 2014

Microwave Chocolate Brownie Recipe Now Vegan!

I bought a recipe book for microwave mug cakes recently, and was very surprised with how good the results were!

So I decided to make up an inspired recipe myself.

It tastes so good, it has to be posted up right this second! So here goes..

It might be gluten free and slightly lower gi, but in no way is it healthy! And I would recommend sharing this with a lucky loved one, as I can't finish it!

It's pure heaven though!

2 tablespoons Dairy free marge or coconut oil
1 tablespoon vegan milk
2 tablespoons coconut sugar
1 tablespoon Soft dark brown sugar
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 tablespoons sugar free chocolate chips
half a tsp vanilla extract
3 and a half tablespoons gluten free self raising flour
a quarter teaspoon of xanthan gum  

Melt the marge/coconut oil in the microwave for 10-20 seconds until melted.
Add the sugar and cocoa powder and mix until smooth. Add the vanilla extract, xanthan gum  and the egg yolk and mix.
Now add the gf self raising flour and chocolate chips. Mix well. 

In a 800 watt microwave, cook for 1 and a half to 2 minutes

Leave to cool for about 5 minutes as this brownie in a mug will still be cooking.

It doesn't look much, But it tastes Amazing!

Dig in with a spoon when it's warm/cool enough to eat! 

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Should I Buy a Wheelchair?

My health goes up and down every year, and this year (late 2014) I have been silently debating as to whether I should purchase a wheelchair so I can enjoy the countryside more often, as I have been feeling slightly isolated recently.

I feel like a failure thinking about this. I hate the way people talk to me, and look at me when I use a wheelchair, so I always find a way to put myself off of using one, by finding things to at home instead. But that's not the point. Fresh air is healthy, and I'm not getting as much as I probably need.
I know I would benefit from using a wheelchair to go out on bad days, so why am I still so against using one?

probably because of events similar to this... We will call the Random person X

A conversation..The forever questions and statements I get confronted with every time the wheelchair subject arises...

X: "You can walk though, so why do you need one?"

Me: "So I can go out on days when I don't feel so good instead of being stuck in doors all day"

(Sighs with frustration)

X: "But one minute you're talking about walking, then the next a wheelchair - It's confusing."

Me: "I'm not bound to a wheelchair. Just because I talk about using one doesn't mean I'm going to live in it!"

X: "So why do you need one then?!"

Me: "Because it can be used as a good pacing tool!"

X: "But if you're using a wheelchair how is that pacing??"

Me: Because it means I can go out to different destinations so I don't have such a mind numbing life!"

X: "But I do the same thing everyday, so why can't you walk up and down the same bit of road each day and pace like that?"

Me: "Okay so now I'm not allowed to go out anywhere remotely different every other week? You go out every weekend so why aren't I allowed to do something different or special just because I'm ill?!"

X: "Ooh I didn't know you were only going to use it for special outings...

(the cherry on top if I stupidly talk to a stranger...)
Is your illness contagious or something then?...


Conversations like this crop up every single time.
Why can't healthy people and doctors get their heads around the fact that just because I'm thinking about using a wheelchair it doesn't mean to say I'm intending to use it daily, or live in it!

This is just another topic that we have to deal with, It makes my blood boil with rage and frustration. Not to mention sadness. It makes me feel so misunderstood.

That's what M.E and other chronic illnesses are. And because they are misunderstood, we are patronised, humiliated, and insulted in so many ways.
Because if you didn't realise already, people often either bully, or take the mick out of what they don't understand.

We really appreciate the few people who take the time to listen and learn about M.E and the other conditions that affect daily living - and then support us with the things we need to us cope with these chronic conditions. (helping doesn't mean lecturing!)

What have your experiences been about using a wheelchair as a pacing tool? Have you had similar conversations and confrontations? Have your experiences been positive rather than negative like mine?

Please leave a comment below when you can :-)

Thanks for reading, if you're having a tough time, I'm sending you lots of healing hugs xxx

A random picture....
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